Saturday, December 12, 2009

Democrats plan nearly $2 trillion debt limit hike

Forget whether you're Democrat or Republican. You're American. This is an incredibly bad Idea for our country.

As I spoke of in an earlier post, printing up this kind of unbacked money will not only make other countries very angry but will crash our dollar when we cannot pay the debt.

Suppose for a moment you are a country like China. You lent the USA a few Billion bucks. They pay interest to you but suddenly they begin printing so much money and there is not nearly enough Gold in the USA to back it. The world catches on and the value of the dollar begins to drop. USA prints more money and pays their payments but the value of the dollar is now only worth 80% of when they borrowed the money. You have just lost 20% on the interest payments on billions. Now, by printing that money the USA knows the value of the dollar will drop more, but what choice do they have? Its either that or default on their loans. So.. they print more.. now the dollar is worth only half and the payments on loans are cut by half. Would you be ticked off? I think so.

America could consider cutting way back on everything. Living more simply, encourage manufacturing here at home etc.Cut way back on government. But.. I dont see that happening. I see more money being printed. How bout You?

Mercury levels in H1N1 Vaccine

 Mercury levels in H1N1

Vaccine Http://

Thimerosal in the Swine Flu Vaccine

Thimerosal is used as a preservative in multi-dose vials of the swine flu vaccine, and is made from mercury, a toxic chemical.

Mercury in the H1N1 Vaccine for Babies

The formulation of the swine flu vaccine that has been approved for infants 6 months and older is made by Sanofi Pasteur, Inc. According to the Package Insert, a single .5 mL dose of the swine flu vaccine contains 25 micrograms of mercury.

Swine Flu Vaccine for Babies:
Dosage Information

Due to a lack of testing, dosage is being based on guesswork and the efficiency of other vaccines. Infants 6 months up to 3 years old receive two .25 mL doses of the vaccine, approximately one month apart. Toddlers of 3 years up to children of 9 years of age receive two .5 mL doses, approximately one month
apart. Children age 10 and older, up to adults, receive a single .5 mL dose of the vaccine.

How Much Mercury is Dangerous?

According to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), an individual can be exposed to minimal amount of mercury without adverse effects. This amount is calculated as .1 microgram of mercury per kilogram of the person's body weight per day. The 25 micrograms present in a .5 mL dose of the swine flu vaccine would therefore be a safe dosage for an individual who weighed 250 kilograms, or 550 pounds.

Bird Flu and Swine Flu mixing

Concerns Grow Over Possible H1N1-H5N1 'Reassortment,' Other Mutations

'The obvious risk is of H5N1 combining with the pandemic [H1N1] virus'

Virologists and influenza authorities are becoming increasingly concerned that the 2009 A-H1N1 flu virus could “reassort” with the highly virulent H5N1 avian flu that’s still prevalent in parts of the world like China, and that a mutation could occur resulting in a new strain that has the lethality of H5N1 and the human transmissibility of A-H1N1.

The concerns have grown in the wake of revelations that mutations of the H1N1 flu virus had been found in Norway and elsewhere, leading experts to fear that it might just be a matter of time before there’s a reassortment of H1N1 and H5N1.

This comes as the World Health Organization (WHO) reported very high pandemic activity in Italy, Norway, the Republic of Moldova, the Russian Federation (Urals region), and Sweden.

Bulgaria, Denmark, Finland, Germany, Iceland, Ireland, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Poland, Portugal, the Russian Federation, Serbia, Turkey, and Ukraine also reported high pandemic activity.

Meanwhile, authorities said they believe the peak of the A-H1N1 pandemic's second wave hasn’t yet been reached in some parts of the world.

WHO said it’s keeping a "very careful” eye on the reported mutations in order to ascertain whether it is causing more severe illness diseases than the A-H1N1 virus.

**Note** Avian flu has always been something to watch, but hasnt been an immediate worry due to the lack of ease of transfering it from person to person.  There has now been a circle of infection shown in a mutation that goes from person to pig to bird. If the avian flu attaches to the swine flu, we could have not only a deadly avian flu, but one with a high spread rate.  **

Vaccine Recomendations for Pregnant Women

Safety of swine flu vaccine during pregnancy - CDC recommendations vs. vaccine package insert info

The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recommend that all pregnant women receive the swine flu vaccine, in order to prevent infection with the H1N1 virus. The manufacturers of the various formulations of H1N1 vaccine, however, disagree. The only instance in which there is agreement between the CDC and the manufacturers is in the case of the live virus nasal spray H1N1 vaccine.

The CDC says H1N1 vaccines are safe for pregnant women

The CDC has emphasized the necessity for all pregnant women to receive an H1N1 vaccination, stating that it is perfectly safe for both mother and fetus. The CDC also claims that an H1N1 vaccination will protect the unborn child against potential infection after birth, in the period when the infant is too young to be vaccinated.

Manufacturers of the swine flu vaccine do not recommend vaccination for pregnant women

There are several manufacturers of the swine flu vaccine licensed to produce a swine flu vaccine in the United States. Each of them is careful to note, in the package insert, that the vaccine has not been tested on pregnant women, and there is no information about the effect that the vaccine might have on the mother or infant. None of the manufacturers of the H1N1 vaccine for the United States recommend use of their product on pregnant women, provide correct dosage for a pregnant woman, or suggest that the use of their product during pregnancy is safe.

MedImmune, LLC live nasal spray vaccine for H1N1

The nasal spray vaccine made with a living virus, produced by MedImmune, LLC, is not recommended for use in pregnant women by either the CDC or the manufacturer. This is the only vaccine that the CDC does not recommend for pregnant women.

Safety of vaccines in pregnant women

The safety of flu vaccines in pregnant women has not been thoroughly studied. The CDC quotes a >2000 women study from the 1970's when it states the safety of vaccines during pregnancy. This study concluded that influenza vaccines did not result in an "excess of malignancies", but did show that women who received vaccines in the first four months of pregnancy were more likely to have babies with brain tumors. No other adverse effects were studied.

Swine Flu / Plague / Mutation How does it spread?

~Opinion Piece~

I have some very strong concerns over how this H1N1 is spreading. I keep running across bits of information that don't make alot of sense when we think about a traditional type spread.. ie.. cough into your elbow, wash your hands etc...

For example here:

specifically this bit in the article: Doctors believe that a person may be contagious up to 2 days before symptoms manifest themselves.

This tells us that we can catch it before anyone even sneezes.

Again here:

Seven healthy people on a train from Ho Chi Minh City to Hanoi in Vietnam caught Tamiflu-resistant H1N1 flu, researchers reported Wednesday in a prominent medical journal.

This is an older article from this year but still relevant because these folks had no symptoms, and yet the disease spread among them.

Our biggest enemy with this A/H1N1 spread & mutation is lack of information. We have linked Articles where the vaccine probably wont work with the mutated strain. Where Tamiflu probably doesnt work anymore. Where people catch this disease without being exposed to the droplets of water from a sneeze or cough.

Most of the world does not have this information. From the beginning of this spread I have been dumbstruck at the lack of news coverage. Each time this mutation hit a new country, the doctors were shocked and at a loss on how to treat this. Why wasn't this information shared?

The facts:
1. WHO declares a pandemic when the flu is quite mild
2. Some fella gets teargassed and disappears for saying Baxter was going
to spread a bio weapon flu in the Ukraine. (joseph moshe)
3. Approx 2 months later the Ukraine gets hit with an extreme mutation in
the H1N1 virus. Bloody lungs.
4. Instead of sharing with the world , they turn to the WHO and the WHO
takes weeks instead of days to inform us of mutations. During that
time, the disease spread.
5. The mutation is found is found in most countries now. Its devistating
to some, yet doesnt touch others in the same room.. why? A ukraine doctor says its the immune system. Build yours up just in case =)
6. The vaccines are being pushed hard even after the news that they prob
wont protect against the mutated strain.
7. If personal reports are to be believed, the vaccine itself is harming
many people. Especially pregnant women. I have seen many stories of
miscarriage right after the vaccine, yet these women are told there
couldnt be a connection. Within the vaccine insert it clearly states
there could be.
8. We have a state of Emergency within the USA and it is the same in some
other countries. Why? It gives our government pretty much the authority
to do anything they want. According to our own laws we can be
quarenteened, relocated, our homes can be entered, and even our goods
redistributed for the common good.?

Clinton has grouped together under one order, EO #12919 released on June 6, 1994. The following EOs all fall under EO#12919:

10995--Federal seizure of all communications media in the US;
10997--Federal seizure of all electric power, fuels, minerals, public and private;
10998--Federal seizure of all food supplies and   resources, public and private and all farms and equipment;
10999--Federal seizure of all means of transportation, including cars, trucks, or vehicles of any kind and total control over all highways, seaports and water ways;
11000--Federal seizure of American people for work forces under federal supervision, including the splitting up of families if the government so desires;
11001--Federal seizure of all health, education and welfare facilities, both public and private;
11002--Empowers the Postmaster General to register every single person in the US
11003--Federal seizure of all airports and aircraft;
11004--Federal seizure of all housing and finances and authority to establish forced relocation. Authority to designate areas to be abandoned as "unsafe," establish new locations for populations, relocate communities, build new housing with public funds;
11005--Seizure of all railroads, inland waterways and storage facilities, both public and private;
11051--Provides FEMA complete authorization to put above orders into effect in times of increased international tension of economic or financial crisis (FEMA will be in control incase of "National Emergency").

Im not going to go off about any conspiracy theories. There are enough out there without me adding to it, but I have to say, that all of this makes me more uncomfortable than I have ever been.

A prepared person, who some would call a hoarder, will be the backbone and support of any emergency. Whether it be a neighborhood  hit by an earthquake that has broken water lines, or a disruption of trucking due to a strike or fuel shortage.. That prepared person(s) will be able to help others learn to get through those difficult times. Or even God Forbid a real pandemic which kills enough folks that disrupts our way of life for a time. Who has the seeds , the canning knowledge, the guns to hunt and help re-establish food production.? Most of us have no idea how to bake a loaf of bread or keep ourselves warm when the electricity goes down. Hoarders, preppers, survivalists are the folks who will be in a position to help.
But always remember, they changed their life to prepare and gave up vacations, extra comforts etc..These people do not owe you, so ask nice and don't demand.

I have a law enforcment buddy who told me that a few years ago when an ice storm hit, many folks were without electricity for 2-4 weeks. He said it took only one week for some people to become violent because they thought they may need something.

I would strongly encourage everyone to keep informed, dig for news, and build up at least a 2 week supply or more to take care of yourself for disaster situations. Water without electricity, shelter, food. Make a freind or two that is into helping themselves. If you believe the government will be able to help you in any situation, refer to Katrina, and then refer to your governments suggestion that you have emergency supplies on hand.

Unless there is a miracle, we have a huge wake up call comming in 2010. The devaluation of the Dollar.
This will have worldwide implications and many countries will be hurt. The USA will be one of the hardest hit due to our complete outsourcing of manufacturing. This is not a fantasy, but is real. Other countries have already begun the process of turning from the dollar for world currency transactions.

I cannot urge you strongly enough to put a few things aside. Rice & beans, bleach for water, and water
containers, Vitamins. The United States has 3 days of food on the shelves. Just 3. Lets say this virus mutates again before its done and the death numbers rise. Will distribution of food be affected? Of course it would. When you look in your childs eyes and they are hungry, what will you do? Join the people bashing in the store windows in hopes of finding something.. anything? Wait for a government delivery? Or turn to your pantry to make them a meal, then go plant your non hybrid seeds and plan for the future.

Can we avoid all this from happening? Anything is possible but its looking more grim by the day. The world now knows we are printing monopoly money for our purchases.. backed by nothing.  Soon , we will be unable to meet our interest payments, and then who knows what will happen.

To sum it up, Use caution regarding this flu. Gather information on the spread and mutations. Get yourself a few weeks of supplies just in case. Be the one that takes care of thier family, not the one who becomes violent due to desperation.

Friday, December 11, 2009

What happened to the 72 Kilo's of infected H5n1 material?

 does anyone know what happened to the 72 Kilo's of contaminated flu vaccine material that Baxter admitted to sending out? We have bird flu mixed with human flu -Live- Where did it all end up?

 Email me if you know please =)

Doctor Gets Swine Flu Twice! Virginia

My main thing is that we are informed so we can be as careful as possible. This article shows that this virus changes quickly, that it can reinfect.

CDC confirms Kanawha County pediatrician had swine flu -- twice

Kanawha County
Tuesday November 24, 2009
CDC confirms Kanawha County pediatrician had swine flu -- twice
Health officials say chance of getting swine flu twice rare, but possible

Dr. Debra Parsons, a pediatrician at Kid Care West in Cross Lanes, was met with reactions of doubt last month when she said she had contracted swine flu twice. Now, test results from the Centers for Disease Control in Atlanta say Parsons was correct.

CHARLESTON, W.Va. -- A West Virginia physician who claimed to have contracted the H1N1 virus twice now has proof -- from the Centers for Disease Control in Atlanta, no less -- that her claims were true.

Dr. Debra Parsons, a pediatrician at Kid Care West in Cross Lanes, was met with reactions of doubt from local health officials last month when she said two flu tests had come back positive for H1N1, or swine flu.

Parsons first came down with the virus, complete with all the telltale symptoms, in August.

Her son became ill at the same time with the same symptoms. Figuring they had the same bug, Parsons tested herself to see what it was.

The test came back positive for Influenza A, so the lab at Charleston Area Medical Center sent it to be sub-typed. Parsons was positive for H1N1.

Parsons and her son recovered, but in October they started having the same symptoms, but they became much worse.

They were both tested this time, and the results were the same -- they were positive for Influenza A and then H1N1.

"It was swine flu both times," Parsons said.

Dr. Rahul Gupta, director of the Kanawha-Charleston Health Department, and John Law, spokesman for the West Virginia Division of Health and Human Resources, were skeptical of Parsons' claim.

Law said the possibility of getting the flu twice was "very, very, very rare." Gupta said he was "aware of no data or scientific body of research or case reports" that indicated someone could contract H1N1 more than once.

So the specimen from the Parsons' second flu test was sent to the CDC in Atlanta, where it underwent a preliminary strain reaction test. Parsons says that test is the "gold standard" in differentiating between seasonal and swine flu.

That sample came back a couple weeks ago, and it was positive for H1N1. The CDC then requested a specimen from Parsons' August flu test.

Last Friday, the results of that test came back positive for H1N1.

Parsons says she's spoken with CDC representatives about the results, and they said the double infection isn't all that unbelievable.

"They said this happens every year with seasonal flu, so there's no reason to expect that it wouldn't happen with swine flu," Parsons said. "Every flu strain can change a little bit."

The pediatrician says there may have been a tiny change in the virus that stopped her immune system from recognizing it or her body never built up immunity to it.

Parsons said the CDC's tests confirmed what she already knew, "so I'd know what to tell people, and I could prove that I wasn't trying to start a panic. I don't want to scare anybody."

"I need to know, as a physician, if it is possible or not. I want to tell my patients the truth," she said.

She says the confirmation also speaks well of CAMC's lab.

"It feels good to verify that the hospitals here are doing a good job and their tests, for the most part, are accurate," Parsons said.

Law, the DHHR spokesman, still says most people should "rest assured if you've had it, you'll develop some immunity.

"Can you ever say never? No you can't."

Gupta says he needs to see Parsons' test results before he can change his opinion. He says there are only two ways she could have contracted the virus twice -- the virus would have had to change, which he doesn't think has happened, or her body failed to develop an antibody response to it.

"That would mean you have a problem with your immune function," he said.

Parsons says to her knowledge neither she nor her son has any immunity problems.

"He's welcome to see them," she said. "I've had every test that he wanted done when he was on TV."

Flu Vaccine “Probably” Will Not Work Against H1N1 Mutation

Medical Tests Confirm That The H1N1 Swine Flu Vaccine “Probably” Will Not Work Against The New H1N1 Mutation

The most important news for Sunday, November 29th, 2009.....

Britain’s national medical laboratory says that one H1N1 swine flu sample taken from a patient in Ukraine had mutated so much from the original H1N1 swine flu that the swine flu vaccine probably would not protect against it well.

The "D225G" H1N1 mutation has now been found in fatal or severe cases in Ukraine, Brazil, Norway and China.

Two dangerous H1N1 swine flu mutations have shown up in dead patients in France.

France's Health Surveillance Institute is saying the following about this mutation.....

"The mutation could increase the ability of the virus to affect the respiratory tracts and, in particular, the lung tissue."

Even though it has been acknowledged that the H1N1 vaccine will not work effectively against one of the new mutations, the French people are still being encouraged to run out and get injected with it.

About 1.5 million cases of acute respiratory illness and H1N1 flu have been reported in Belarus.

The WHO has announced that the global number of H1N1 deaths jumped by more than 1,000 in one week.

This past week witnessed a record number of U.S. pediatric deaths from the H1N1 swine flu.

The last seven days has seen a record number of H1N1 swine flu deaths in the U.K.

Russia Today is reporting that some top WHO officials are on the payroll of swine flu vaccine manufacturers.

It is being reported that the H1N1 swine flu and H5N1 bird flu viruses are being mixed together by a French professor named Bruno Lina, affiliated with WHO, potentially creating a highly lethal virus. This "research" is being conducted under the pretext of having to predict the course of a future pandemic.

The French Ministry of the Interior has announced that the French army’s medical corps is to help carry out vaccinations in the country’s 1080 vaccine centers.

A U.K. Parliamentary briefing note published in November 2009 maintains that the U.K. government has the power to impose compulsory swine flu vaccinations under the Civil Contingencies Act of 2004.

In Australia, the H1N1 swine flu will be included in next year's seasonal influenza vaccine, despite more than 650 adverse reactions to the vaccine.

Israel suspended their swine flu vaccination campaign on October 22nd following the deaths of four people from the vaccine.

One Russian lawmaker has called for Russia to withdraw from the WHO if an investigation into the alleged collusion between the WHO and pharmaceutical companies on the swine flu proves to be accurate.

Nearly 10,000 dead of H1N1 in USA

Nearly 10,000 dead of H1N1 in USA with the worst of the flu season yet to come!

1 in 6 in the U.S. have had swine flu

By THOMAS H. MAUGH II Los Angeles Times

Published: Friday, December 11, 2009 at 1:00 a.m.
Last Modified: Thursday, December 10, 2009 at 9:33 p.m.

At least 50 million Americans contracted pandemic H1N1 influenza through Nov. 14, according to the newest estimates from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention released Thursday -- meaning about 15 percent of the country has been infected, about 1 in 6 people.
"That still leaves most people not having been infected and still susceptible."
-- Dr. Thomas R. Frieden,
director of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

"That still leaves most people not having been infected and still susceptible," CDC director Dr. Thomas R. Frieden said at a news conference. The agency also reported that more than 200,000 people had been hospitalized and nearly 10,000 had died.

Estimates released about a month ago showed 22 million Americans had been infected and 3,900 had died. But that does not mean that 6,000 people died in the intervening month, Frieden said; delays in reporting account for some of that increase. Frieden said the 200,000 hospitalizations since the beginning of the pandemic seven months ago is about the same as in a usual flu season. The deaths are lower than the 35,000 normally associated with seasonal flu in a typical year, but the breakdown of those who died is sharply different.

The 10,000 deaths include 1,100 children and 7,500 younger adults. The figures "are much higher than in a usual flu season," he said. In a normal flu season, about 1,000 deaths occur among Americans younger than 50. "But a large proportion of the 7,500 adults" -- who died -- "are under 50," he said. Hospitalizations among the younger group are also several times higher than normal.

The estimates are compiled from both the number of laboratory-confirmed cases and from cases that may be listed on death certificates as pneumonia, organ failure or other infections, but which were precipitated by flu.

For the estimates, researchers use data from 62 counties in 10 states, including deaths outside hospitalizations in which laboratory confirmation did not occur; a fraction of deaths in which lab tests were negative (the tests give as many as 40 percent false negatives); and a variety of other data.

Swine flu vaccine supplies continue to grow, Frieden said. There are now 85 million doses available, up by 12 million from last week. He recommended that people get the vaccine because of uncertainties about whether a new wave of swine flu will come after the first of the year.

"What will happen in the future, only the future will tell," he said.

**Unfortunately, I have seen articles where people have gotten this virus twice. 2 different doctors. I have seen articles of people being infected after getthing the vaccine. Each flu season there is a new vaccine for a reason. It is because flu's change each year. The first vaccine, whether it worked or not, cannot keep up with these mutations to protect you fully. Be careful out there folks, just in case**

Utah H1N1 mutation - Woman dies

Utah H1N1 mutation - Woman dies

A Davis County woman died from the H1N1 flu July 24, bringing the total number of flu deaths in the state to 17, according to Utah Department of Health data released Wednesday.

Health Department spokesman Tom Hudachko said it is unknown whether the woman, who was between the ages of 18 and 39, had any underlying health conditions.

The above report matches the demographic data for a case (28F) from Utah, which has D225G and D225N. The sample collection date also matches the date of death. The initial sequences were released at GISAID, but now the sequences are also available at GenBank. One sequence, A/Utah/42/2009 is from the original sample and has mixed signals for D225G and D225N. This combination could also code for D225S, although no such sequence has been described previously in pandemic H1N1. The second sequence is a clone which gives a clean D225G signal. The presence of sequences which can encode for D225G and D225N has not been reported previously in a single sample, but recently released CDC sequences from two patients in Ukraine had D225N, while four sequences from fatal cases released by Mill Hill had D225G. Both of the changes had been previously found in fatal cases in Sao Paulo Brazil and the recent association of these sequences with fatal or sever cases has raised concerns that the frequency of these changes is increasing, which could lead to more fatalities and severe cases in the next pandemic wave.

These concerns have been increased by a recent report on one of the Ukraine sequences, which was designated as a "low reactor" raising concerns that sequences with D225G (or D225N) could evade current natural immunity as well as immunity generated by the killed vaccine.

Therefore more information on the Utah case would be useful. Many of the fatal cases with D225G have been linked to a rapid decline and lung destruction, so information on the Davis country fatality and relationship to the samples collected on the date of her death would be useful.

This is even more concerning as we are seeing a range of changes in this virus. Even if the spread rate is low, the public should be informed about these changes. So many people think they are protected due to having the flu before, or the vaccine. These people may take risks they might not otherwise take due to lack of information.

Thursday, December 10, 2009

Preperations for 2010

This is my blog bit folks =) It is very hard to tell how serious or lack therof that this flu will become in our lives. We have not had accurate detailed reporting since these mutations began to occur. It may pass, it may not, but whatever happens, being as prepared as possible will serve you well.

Many of us realize that our current economy is being stretched so tight it may collapse. Smarter people than I believe it is so, enough of them that I began to pay attention. Survivalist became a dirtly word years ago. The new non threatening term is 'prepper' . Those people who want to be able to provide for their families in case the dollar dies.

There are bold moves within the world to replace the dollar as countries see we are in deep trouble. I don't wish to alarm, although sometimes information is alarming. Take a deep breath and prepare just in case. If you have great faith in our system, then follow what they advise and prepare 3-4 weeks of food, water & heat in case of a local emergency. If you have faith that the dollar will collapse next year, think deeper. Food, water, shelter, heat, trade goods. And unfortunately defense. Imagine if the dollar goes down, how many people will be seeking what you have just to survive. Having a friend or two to back you up is a step you may want to take seriously.

Our stores have 3 days of food. After that, what? Will our government ship us all food? Will there be a breakdown in society due to hunger and loss of faith in the system? I live in the pacific northwest and will always consider a prepared person that wants to team up if something awful happens. No, I wont invite you to my home lol. But, if we become friends and find value in eachothers skills & preps, that is a possiblity if riots begin and we have a mutual need for numbers for protection. Email me if you are near the puget sound area and are interested in chatting.

I would like to recomend a really good site for those who dont know how to begin to prepare on a large or small scale. These people are kind and generous with their preperation ideas. There are also some wonderful fiction stories that will entertain and teach at the same time =) I would personally start with the story 'lights out'.

In the end, whatever you believe, you must know at some level that our country is about to hit difficult times. How big or small we do not know, but at any level, basic preparations is a very good idea .

God Bless

Swine Flu Drug May Not Work

Roche Accused of Suppressing Evidence Swine Flu Drug May Not Work

Research published in the British Medical Journal suggests that Tamiflu has only a modest effect on influenza symptoms in otherwise healthy patients.
A systematic review undertaken by researchers from the Cochrane Collaboration’s Acute Respiratory Infections Group has found that oseltamivir, sold by Roche under the brand name Tamiflu, may only have a modest effect on reducing the symptoms of influenza. It was noted that this effect is only in relation to seasonal influenza and not the pandemic swine flu.
The research report in the British Medical Journal notes that data from some studies into oseltamivir’s effectiveness and safety were unable to be included in the current review of effectiveness. This was due to the inability of Tamiflu manufacturer, Roche to unconditionally provide the information to the researchers in relation to 10 trials of the drug’s effectiveness and safety which had been funded by the company. Roche has since agreed to make the data available to the scientific community via a password protected website.
Speaking to the Sydney Morning Herald, research team leader and Dean of the Faculty of Health Sciences and Medicine, and Pro-Vice Chancellor of Research at Bond University in Queensland, Professor Chris Del Mar said:

“Roche refused to release its data unless the team signed unacceptable secrecy agreements. It makes us wonder what's there. It was a secrecy clause which had to be itself secret - we wouldn't even be able to say we'd signed it."

In September, Roche released details of observational studies, one of which it had supported, that found Tamiflu provided benefits to patients with severe seasonal influenza and avian influenza. According to the Press Association, in relation to the current research of the Cochrane Collaboration, a spokeswoman for Roche said

“Roche stands behind the robustness and integrity of the data supporting the efficacy and safety of Tamiflu.”

Demand for Tamiflu has remained strong in recent months and in October, Roche announced that expected full year sales of Tamiflu would be in the region of $2.7 billion.
The Cochrane Collaboration is a not-for-profit organisation comprised of researchers and consumers investigating the effectiveness of treatments for health conditions and providing information on evidence based health care options. A systematic review involves analyzing previously published randomly controlled clinical trials of a drug or other treatment.

USA Flu activity report from CDC

* The proportion of deaths attributed to pneumonia and influenza (P&I) based on the 122 Cities Report declined over the previous week, but continues to be higher than expected for this time of year. This is the ninth consecutive week that the proportion of deaths attributed to pneumonia and influenza (P&I) has been above the epidemic threshold. In addition, 17 flu-related pediatric deaths were reported this week: 12 of these deaths were associated with laboratory confirmed 2009 H1N1 and 5 were associated with influenza A viruses, but were not subtyped. Since April 2009, CDC has received reports of 251 laboratory-confirmed pediatric deaths: 210 due to 2009 H1N1, 40 pediatric deaths that were laboratory confirmed as influenza, but the flu virus subtype was not determined, and one pediatric death associated with a seasonal influenza virus. (Laboratory-confirmed deaths are thought to represent an undercount of the actual number. CDC has provided estimates about the number of 2009 H1N1 cases and related hospitalizations and deaths.

* Twenty-five states are reporting widespread influenza activity; a decline of 7 states from last week. They are: Alabama, Alaska, Arizona, California, Connecticut, Delaware, Florida, Indiana, Kentucky, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, Michigan, Nevada, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New Mexico, New York, North Carolina, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, Utah, Vermont, and Virginia. Seventeen states are reporting regional influenza activity, the District of Columbia, Puerto Rico and six states reported local influenza activity, and Guam, the U.S. Virgin Islands and two states reported sporadic influenza activity.

*the ones highlighted in Red, we know have or have had the mutation that causes bloody lungs and is tamiflu & vaccine resistant. **





Alaska- Cannot find info

Alabama- Read of two cases, but not a mainstream source.

California - they allude to a mutation here. High numbers of infected with H1N1- small ref. to being
                  concerned over mutation.

North Carolina -
Also stories of 3 of 4 dying in NC due to mutations

Arizona- Found reference to older mutation, but not the current. So put this as a maybe

Working on the other states. will post as I have time.

Ukraine Prime Minister Refuses Vaccine

H1N1, and everything that is needed --according to Ukraine Prime Minister

“I am not vaccinated. I am protecting myself like everybody, with lemon, onion, garlic, everything that is needed. I think the best way is simply to protect your health through well-known means."
- Yulia Tymoshenko

*some of her advice for Natural health aids are:**
* Vaporizer. Use a hot-steam vaporizer, and keep it running for the duration of the illness. Upon each refill of the water reservoir, place freshly chopped onion bits in the steamer dish (the receptacle just beneath the steam spout). There is direct proof that the influenza virus does not appreciate humidity.
* Elderberry. Elderberry, or Sambucus, has been tested against the h1n1 virus, and proved effective. Obtain lozenges and syrups at any health-food store. Safe for children.
* Respiratory Herbs: These can be used in the powdered spice form, or in fresh form, including ginger, oregano, onion and garlic. These herbs, proven effective in treating conditions of the lung, can be obtained in capsule form. A powerful form of oregano is the oil Oreganol.
* Onions. Place freshly-cut onions in every populated room of the house, especially in the "sick room." This practice is not for the folkloric alleged benefit of "attracting and trapping the virus," but in releasing the sulfuric content of the onions into the air that is breathed. Working together with humidity (vaporizer), the flu is hampered in its attempt to spread. Currently, onions are very cheap.
* NeilMed Nasal Irrigation. Or Netipot. Flush out the nasal cavity with warm salty water. Used in conjunction with the salt-water gargle, attacks the two most prominent locations the flu proliferates in the body, the nose and throat. This device can be obtained at either Walgreens or Walmart, for about $10.
* Apple Cider Vinegar. Use the pure, organic form, such as Bragg's, with the "mother."
* Lemon Juice. Either from freshly-squeezed lemon, or as pure, bottled lemon juice. Add lemon juice to a glass of drinking water, and to green tea.
* Honey. One of the healthiest natural foods that has been used in healing, mentioned as early as the writings of Homer. Add to tea, oatmeal, and even to a hot dish of sauerkraut.
* Sauerkraut. A refreshing dish when fighting the flu, lifts the spirits and the immune system. Has already been tested positively against Bird Flu. Cook with ginger, oregano, onions, garlic and honey.
* Green Tea. Hydrate with green tea. Aids in establishing a negative environment for the flu.
* Tofu Noodle Soup. Wonderfully comforting, and healthy, replete with onions, garlic, ginger and oregano. Similar to "chicken noodle soup," but better in every way (plus no bird is involved).
* Grapefruit Seed Extract (GSE). Fights bacteria and viruses.
* Ginger and Oregano. Incredibly powerful virus and bacteria fighters, these two herbs work better together than apart.
**I have also read that remedies for avoiding viral infection include:
a. pine needles (antiviral).. please research b4 you use
b. Thieves blend aroma therapy. Again, look this up. This was
used during a plague long ago.
c. Cinnamon
d. Vitamin D3 (new studies show D3 to be a huge immune booster)
**Do I believe in natural remedies? Yes, up to a point. Many modern medicines are made from plants. Willow bark-aspirin, Tamiflu-star anise (star anise can be toxic.. research before you put anything into yourself that could harm you), Pine needle tea has similar properties to Star anise and was used often in teas long ago to fight illness. Again.. there are different kinds of pine.. Always research for saftey**

Swine Flu H1N1 Vaccine Ingredients

**Novartis is one of five large Swine flu vaccine manufacturers, another is Baxter which uses African Green Monkeys for their quicker virus growth. Yes, the monkies are infected, destroyed and their diseased organs harvested for our vaccines. This is not a judgement, just facts.**

What are Novartis's swine flu vaccine ingredients

In January of this year, Novartis was awarded a $486 million government contract to produce a vaccine for the anticipated swine flu epidemic. Normally the definition of epidemic implies a high mortality rate. This year, that definition was changed to encompass only the prevalence of the disease in question. This major change allowed the declaration of a state of national emergency with regard to the swine flu (H1N1 virus).

Let's take a look at the ingredients contained in the vaccine they produced to fight this "epidemic."

According to the Novartis Swine Flu Vaccine Information Sheet, these are the ingredients doctors and medical facilities across the nation are injecting into our citizens:

* Egg protein: Egg protein is used in the production of the vaccine. Any avian contaminants that may be present cannot be removed prior to production. No studies have been conducted on the possible effects of naturally occurring avian contaminants.
* Polymyxin and neomycin: Both are antibiotics. Flu is caused by a virus. Antibiotics are effective against bacteria, not viruses. Everyone has bacteria present in their body all of the time. Most are benign. If the antibiotics do not kill all the bacteria, it can mutate causing a resistant, and possibly dangerous new strain of bacteria to appear.
* Betapropiolactone: This is a disinfectant that is normally used for sterilizing large areas. It is of limited usefulness for that purpose because of its toxicity and carcinogenic properties.
* Nonylphenol ethoxylate: This is a chemical that has been banned in the European Union as a hazard to humans and the environment. It is used as an industrial surfactant in the manufacture of wool and metal. It is also used as an emulsifier in detergents and pesticides.

The ingredients listed above are in the single dose version of the Novartis swine flu vaccine. If the multi-dose version is used, thimerosol (mercury) is also present. Mercury is known to cause irreversible damage to developing nervous systems. Mercury can be passed to a developing fetus. Mercury can cause various neurological problems such as, tremors, changes in vision, loss of hearing, loss of muscle coordination, loss of physical sensation and memory problems.

One has to ask why any reasonable and prudent person would consent to having toxic chemicals such as these injected into their body to combat the potential risk of any type of flu.

Read the entire vaccine information sheet prior to taking the vaccine. Make your own informed decision.

Swine Flu Vaccine side effects Double Seasonal Flu CDC

**Im not going to give my opinion on the vaccine, but I would encourage everyone to seek information before you make a decision. **

CDC report reveals new H1N1 Swine Flu vaccine side effects are double seasonal flu vaccine

The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recently analyzed the safety testing results of the 2009 Monovalent H1N1 Vaccine against the seasonal flu vaccine. The new vaccine was recently licensed in September 2009 by the Food and Drug Administration.

H1N1 swine flu vaccine vs. seasonal flu vaccine

The CDC received their reports from two separate databanks, the U.S. Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) and the Vaccine Safety Datalink (VSD), which keep track of vaccine safety data. Data obtained from VAERS reveals nearly twice as many serious side effects from the H1N1 swine flu vaccine in comparison to the seasonal influenza vaccine.

Importance of safety monitoring

In order to continue to monitor the safety of the H1N1 Monovalent Vaccine, it’s essential for health care providers and those who have received vaccinations to report any adverse side effects to VAERS. With only two months of data out on the new swine flu vaccine, there is still considerable testing and evaluation to follow.

New York & Swine Flu Autopsies H1N1

H1N1 swine flu autopsy report reveals virus injures entire respiratory system

**These Autopsy's are for the 2nd   round of H1N1 in New York**

Researchers from the National Institutes of Health (NIH) and the office of the Chief Medical Examiner of New York City recently reviewed autopsy findings from 34 fatal swine flu cases. All but two of the fatalities were in New York City.

Respiratory system damage

Reports showed that in fatal cases of the H1N1 swine flu, the virus causes damage to the entire respiratory system to include the lungs, trachea, and bronchial tubes. Samples of tissues from the autopsies showed inflammation of the trachea and bronchial tubes. Researchers also observed damage to the lower parts of the respiratory system, in the bronchioles. The alveoli of the lungs were also affected by the virus.

Influenza pandemic

Dr. Taubenberger from the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) noted that the pattern of damage to the airways in the swine flu autopsies closely matched the earlier 1918 and 1957 influenza pandemics. Evidence of severe tissue damage was observed in the lungs of both the upper and lower respiratory system. In over half the cases, secondary pulmonary bacterial infections also accompanied the H1N1 virus infection. Pulmonary bacterial infection seems to play an important role in fatal cases of swine flu. Information on the pandemic influenza can be found at or NIAID’s website.

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

CDC warns about rise in serious pneumococcal disease

CDC warns about rise in serious pneumococcal disease

Nov 25, 2009 (CIDRAP News) – In a worrisome but not unexpected pandemic-related development, the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) said today that it is seeing a spike in serious pneumococcal disease, particularly in younger patients.

** follow the link for full article, but I would hazard a guess that this is because the mutated form of the H1N1 causes bacterial pnemonia quite quickly and quite severely.

Remember influenza/flu is viral, but can and has caused bacterial infection of the lungs. They get alot more fancy with the wording, but once the bacterial bit hits, you need antibiotics. See your doc early =)**

Ukraine - Where the mutations began.

Ukraine mutated H1N1 cases begin to spike again.. already..

Ukraine Cases Spike - D225G and D225N Found
Recombinomics Commentary 23:55
December 8, 2009
2,187,836 Influenza .ARI

132,178 Hospitalized

472 Dead

The above numbers, from the Ukraine Ministry of Health represent a spike in cases yielding a daily increase of 86,578. The jump was widespread, but the biggest jumps were Donetsk increased 12,586 to 160,212 and Dnipropetrovsk which increased 9.813 to 149,358 (see map). This jump may be signaling a move into the real winter season.

Iowa H1N1 deaths may be underreported

H1N1 deaths may be underreported, but not because of mutation

H1N1 deaths may be underreported, but not because of mutation
By Lynda Waddington 11/23/09 11:40 AM

Although a local medical examiner may be right that the number of deaths from the H1N1 influenza virus in Iowa is greater than official statistics would indicate, Iowans should not be concerned that this is because the virus has mutated as some rumors have suggested.

Instead, the disparity is caused by deaths among patients who are never diagnosed with the virus.

“We’ve known all along that there have been cases that have gone undiagnosed for a variety of reasons,” said Polly Carver-Kimm, public information officer for the Iowa Department of Public Health. “Sometimes people come into the emergency room or are admitted into the hospital and it is later determined, after their death and during an autopsy, that they had the H1N1 virus as a contributing factor.”

State officials want to be clear, however, that these deaths are not a result of a virus mutation or attempts to cover-up the severity of the virus in the state, despite rumors to the contrary.

Late last week, KCCI in Des Moines aired an interview with Dr. Gregory Schmunk, medical examiner for Polk County. Schmunk accurately stated that there are additional deaths in Iowa from H1N1 that were undiagnosed. During the report, Schmunk described the lungs he was seeing during autopsy as “very heavy, wet” and “with a lot of blood in them.”

The report — especially the description of the lungs — has been circulating on the Internet since it aired and has fueled speculation that perhaps the H1N1 virus in Iowa had mutated. Earlier this year, according to analysis of genetic testing done by the World Health Organization, the virus in the Ukraine had mutated to a strain similar to that of the 1918 Spanish flu epidemic. In particular, the mutation, casually referred to as D225G, causes bleeding in the lungs and has been described as a decimating lung infection.

H1N1 influenza adopted novel strategy to move from birds to humans

H1N1 influenza adopted novel strategy to move from birds to humans

BERKELEY — The 2009 H1N1 influenza virus used a new strategy to cross from birds into humans, a warning that it has more than one trick up its sleeve to jump the species barrier and become virulent.
The sequence of the three subunits of the influenza virus polymerase (center) determines whether or not the enzyme works efficiently in birds, pigs or humans. A mutation in the PB2 subunit allows the bird virus to function in humans, as does switching out the bird PA subunit for a human PA subunit. Two mutations in the PB2 subunit of 2009 H1N1 allow the pig virus to work in humans. The background is a false-color electron micrograph image of influenza virions.The sequence of the three subunits of the influenza virus polymerase (center) determines whether or not the enzyme works efficiently in birds, pigs or humans. A mutation in the PB2 subunit allows the bird virus to function in humans, as does switching out the bird PA subunit for a human PA subunit. Two mutations in the PB2 subunit of 2009 H1N1 allow the pig virus to work in humans. The background is a false-color electron micrograph image of influenza virions. (Andrew Mehle/UC Berkeley)

In a report in this week's early online edition of the journal Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, University of California, Berkeley, researchers show that the H1N1, or swine flu, virus adopted a new mutation in one of its genes distinct from the mutations found in previous flu viruses, including those responsible for the Spanish influenza pandemic of 1918, the "Asian" flu pandemic in 1957 and the "Hong Kong" pandemic of 1968.

Previous influenza strains that crossed from birds into people had a specific point mutation in the bird virus's polymerase gene that allowed the protein to operate efficiently inside humans as well. The polymerase transcribes the virus's RNA, allowing the host to express viral genes, and also copies the viral genome, needed to make new viruses.

The 2009 H1N1 virus retains the bird version of the polymerase, but has a second mutation that seems to suppress the ability of human cells to prevent the bird polymerase from working.

“We were quite shocked when we looked at the swine flu virus, which was clearly replicating in people and other mammalian systems, yet had a polymerase that looked like it was derived from a bird virus, which should not function too well in a human cell type,” said UC Berkeley post-doctoral fellow Andrew Mehle of the Department of Molecular and Cell Biology. “The other mutation within the polymerase seems to compensate and allow the enzyme to function.”

The researchers also discovered another strategy – one not yet adopted by any known flu virus – by which influenza virus can increase its virulence even more. When a particular human subunit is substituted for one of the three protein subunits that make up the bird polymerase, the new combination makes the polymerase more efficient in human cells.

“This is an extremely rare mutation and a rare combination, which suggests that there may be other ways that haven’t emerged yet that these viruses are going to continue to evolve,” said Jennifer Doudna, UC Berkeley professor of molecular and cell biology and an investigator in the Howard Hughes Medical Institute.

“As mechanistic biologists, we are hoping that by understanding how the virus works at the molecular level, we will be able to predict with more accuracy how it will evolve.”

She suggested that those monitoring influenza outbreaks around the world in search of new variants be on the lookout for this recombination of polymerase subunits, which could herald an uptick in swine flu virulence. The findings also could help scientists develop better antiviral treatments, Mehle and Doudna said.

“The more we can understand the biochemistry and the particular structure of these polymerase complexes, the better we can make rational decisions about drug development,” Mehle said.

H1N1, which appeared on the scene earlier this year, was dubbed swine flu because it emerged from pigs, in which human, bird and pig influenza viruses mixed, swapped genes and gave rise to a variant that could infect human cells and reproduce.

While mutations in the surface protein hemagglutinin – indicated by the H in H1N1 – are key to allowing the virus to enter human cells, mutations in the polymerase enzyme are key to the virus's ability to replicate inside human cells. All previous flu strains that entered and were transmitted in humans had a single mutation in the second subunit of the bird polymerase gene, which apparently allowed the enzyme to operate in human cells.

Last year, Mehle and Doudna showed that human cells apparently prevent the three subunits of bird virus polymerases from assembling into a functioning enzyme. A single amino acid switch at position 627 on the second subunit of the polymerase overcomes that inhibition and allows the virus to replicate. Apparently, Mehle said, when the amino acid glutamic acid – typical of most bird virus polymerases – is changed to a lysine, typical of human polymerases, the surface charge of the subunit changes from acidic (negatively charged) to basic (positively charged) and allows assembly of the subunits. Previous studies in mammals have shown that a lysine in that position enhances polymerase activity, increases viral replication and transmission, and in some cases, is associated with increased pathogenicity and death.

In their new study, Mehle and Doudna found that H1N1 has two rare mutations in the second subunit: a serine at position 590 and an arginine at position 591. This combination, which is most common in pigs, apparently has the same effect on surface charge as the mutation at position 627, allowing the polymerase complex to form and function in human cells.

Mehle noted that, in addition to such point mutations, flu viruses also mix and match the three subunits. Both the 1957 and 1968 viruses had polymerases composed of a first subunit from a bird and the other two subunits from humans. H1N1 has a human-like first subunit, while the second and third are bird-like – hence the need for a mutation in the second subunit to make it more human-like.

To see which other combinations might make H1N1 more virulent, they mixed human, avian and pig subunits in culture, replicating the pig "mixing vessel," Mehle said. Several combinations with a human third subunit increased the activity of the polymerase enzyme when other mutations were not present in the second subunit. Viruses with this alteration are now being tested in human cell culture to see if they are more virulent.

"In addition to having individual amino acid changes affecting the ability of the virus to transmit across species and be more pathogenic, we need to think about these entire gene segments being exchanged back and forth," said Doudna, who also is a faculty affiliate of the California Institute for Quantitative Biosciences (QB3). "Those will affect the outcome of disease."

"We are very hopeful that the kind of basic science that we are doing here will have an impact on human health, either at the level of diagnostics or thinking forward to development of antiviral therapeutics," she added.

Mehle and Doudna continue to explore the polymerase to discover what in human cells prevents the assembly of the bird polymerase, and to determine the three-dimensional structure of the enzyme and its three subunits.

The work was supported by the National Institute of General Medical Sciences of the National Institutes of Health

Air Force Adds Kids to Pentagon's Mandatory H1N1 Vaccine Program

Air Force Adds Kids to Pentagon's Mandatory H1N1 Vaccine Program

About 25,000 children in on-base Air Force daycare centers will be forced to receive the H1N1 vaccine or face being barred from school, Truthout has learned following reports from concerned parents.

When a number of Air Force parents opened the November Child Development Center newsletter, they were outraged to learn that their children must receive the H1N1 vaccine. The newsletter article indicates that the Air Force is considering the H1N1 vaccine as part of the required seasonal flu vaccination.

The notification states:

Recently we received guidance from AF regarding the H1N1 vaccination. AF is considering the H1N1 vaccine as part of the required flu immunization. So, all children participating in AF programs must have the H1N1 vaccination as it becomes available. We are currently working w/ Public Health & the Immunization Clinic to provide on-site opportunities for your children to receive the H1N1 vaccine. There must be a minimum of 18 days between the seasonal mist and the H1N1 mist, so the Child Development Program cannot offer the H1N1 vaccine until mid to late November, since we just completed the seasonal flu vaccination. We will continue to provide you w/ updates as the H1N1 becomes available. Children MUST get this vaccine OR have a medical exemption on file. Please see a member of management if you have any questions or speak w/ your child's pediatrician! We are also coordinating to have members of Public Health available to answer your questions - stay tuned for more details.

A parent at MacDill Air Force Base in Tampa, FL, speaking on condition of anonymity out of concern for reprisal against herself and her husband, was disturbed by the complete lack of confidence and answers from the center's administrators.

"What I got was a lot of 'shoulds.' It 'should' be fine. There 'should' be no problems with the vaccine."

"If they're not sure," she said, "why should I be?"

This action follows an already controversial decision from the Pentagon announced in September to make the H1N1 vaccine mandatory in all branches of the military's program. That requirement has been put on hold because the Department of Defense's supplier, Novartis, has not been able to deliver the vaccine.

Last month, New York Governor David Paterson suspended mandatory vaccinations of a half million New York healthcare workers, citing a vaccine shortage. However, others point to lawsuits, protests and a restraining order as pulling equal weight in bringing the program to a halt.

Dr. Meryl Nass, a vaccine expert at Mount Desert Island Hospital in Bar Harbor, Maine, who is critical of the development of the H1N1 vaccine and its surrounding policies, said that although "soldiers are subject to mandatory vaccinations, mandatory medical examinations and potentially even mandatory medical procedures - their families did not sign up for this!"

Additionally, Nass notes, "Children need to be especially protected by society, as they are not competent to make vaccination decisions for themselves. This is why there are special requirements to be met before you can perform research on children. You can't bribe parents to offer their kids as experimental subjects, for example."

But for many Air Force parents, household income levels prevent them from finding a true alternative.

In testimony before the Senate Committee on Armed Services Personnel Subcommittee in June, Eliza Nesmith, Chief of the Airman and Family Services Division of the Air Force, stated that "over 50 percent of Air Force spouses currently work outside the home, and 77 percent wish to work outside the home. Typically, military spouses earn less than their civilian counterparts, even though 7 of 10 have some college education."

Nesmith's testimony highlights the degree to which military parents rely on the on-base child care available to them. Child care in the military is heavily subsidized on a sliding scale according to household income. Thus, parents who rely on the subsidized child care are forced to choose between transferring their children to child care they cannot afford or, at least from their standpoint, putting their children's health at risk.

A spokesperson for the Air Force defended the Air Force's action, citing the Air Force Joint Instruction 48-110: "As a condition of employment or attendance at these facilities, schoolteachers, childcare center workers, volunteers, and children attending DODñsponsored primary and secondary schools, childcare centers, or similar facilities are administered appropriate vaccines against communicable diseases unless already immune (based on documented receipt of vaccine series or physicianñdiagnosed illness) or medically/administratively exempt."

Additionally, the Air Force spokesperson said, "For immunization requirements, the Air Force follows the CDC recommendations, which are endorsed by the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP)."

However, while the CDC does recommend the H1N1 vaccine, a CDC spokesperson contradicted the Air Force's rationale for the mandatory vaccine stating, "We have no recommendations for mandatory vaccinations." The FDA, while not a recommendation-issuing body, supports the CDC's voluntary policy.

A spokesman for the Marine Corps said that while they are happy to make the vaccine available to Marine families, they will not be implementing a mandatory program because their jurisdiction to do so "ends with servicemen and women."

The Army is in the midst of developing an H1N1 guidance memo for its child and youth services facilities. Until it is published, the current policy dictates that parents are asked not to bring sick children to the facilities, and if child care center employees determine a child is sick, parents will be called and asked to pick the child up. However, an Army spokesperson said, "Nothing in our forthcoming guidance will require vaccinations."

For Nass, justifying a decision boils down to one simple fact: "Children are not soldiers"

Utah H1N1 mutation - Blood in Lungs

Monday, December 7, 2009
Patient in Utah has swine flu virus with D225G, low reactor H1N1 mutation causing lung hemorrhaging

A sample from a Utah swine flu patient has been analyzed, and shows the same H1N1 mutation found in Ukraine and other locations around the world. This mutation of the pandemic A H1N1 swine flu virus, the receptor binding domain change of D225G, is associated with lung hemorrhaging and resistance to the swine flu vaccine.

H1N1 mutation: D225G

The H1N1 mutation that affects the receptor binding domain D225G causes the swine flu virus to attach to cells deep in the lungs. This can cause severe illness, including lung hemorrhaging. The D225G RBD has been found in cases of swine flu in Ukraine, Brazil, and other locations around the world. Symptoms of bleeding in the lungs have been identified here in the United States.

China-Official-325 dead Swine Flu 102,641 cases

The number of people who have died from A/H1N1 influenza on the Chinese mainland has risen to 325 with 125 in the last week alone, China's Ministry of Health announced Wednesday, reported.

The number of confirmed A/H1N1 cases in one week is now 9,737 with 3,225 requiring treatment in hospital, figures released for the week November 30 to December 6 reveal.
A/H1N1 influenza cases made up 90.3 percent of total flu cases, a 0.7 percent drop compared to the previous week.
So far the total number of reported cases is 102,641.